A few of us are actually managing to play Unhallowed Metropolis instead of just writing/photographing/drawing it. Jason has rolled a predictably lethal Undertaker, Chuckie's got himself a pretty entertaining Parapsychologist and I've rolled an Explorer.
I wrote the Explorer Calling to be included with my campaign Up the River coming this July. I envisioned the Calling to be equal parts Dr. David Livingstone, Allan Quartermain and Indiana Jones with a hint of Lovecraftian antiquarian. I wanted players to be able to portray a whole range of characters from bug collecting academics to men and women of action who brave the ghoul tribes of the Wastelands searching for ancient mysteries.
But the Explorer I made tonight is a touch different.
Harold Paget-Morrison was the sole survivor of a failed expedition to the Lower Nile in 2088. When the expedition ship sank, Harold found himself washed up on the shore of Tunisia. He spent over three months living in the shadowed ruins of Carthage before a Prussian merchant vessel saw his signal fire and rescued him.
Upon returning to London, Harold was granted the honorary title of Baron by the Queen in recognition of his expedition's sacrifice. Harold attempted to settle into the life of his industrialist family. But time in the wilds had left Harold changed. His diet was now strange and his appetite constant. He soon developed a nasty temper and alienated his family. Succumbing to strong drink he soon involved himself in a number of scandals that resulted in his family granting him a certain amount of money before cutting all ties.
In no time Harold descended into the alcoholic nightmare of London's gambling hells and taverns. Flush with money and liquor he indulged his appetites to the full becoming corpulent and vicious. In just a few years he found himself suffering seizing fits, occasional delirium and screaming night terrors. When he submitted himself to his first medical physical in a decade the doctor wasted no time in pronouncing a diagnosis of syphilis. Harold cursed savagely and muttered something about the "damned strange whores of Tunis" before shoving the doctor to the ground and stalking out.
Today, Harold finds himself in a desperate amount of debt as his expensive taste in liquor and strange dietary habits sap his wealth. Aside from his venereal disease, he is in shockingly good health. Still an excellent shot with a rifle, he can occasionally be found giving shooting lessons to the children of aristocrats and industrialists. The violent strings of vulgarity to which he is prone typically means that these opportunities for employment seldom last long. Indeed, Harold is better known and feared for his other weapon; an oversized silver-headed cane with which he terrorizes the serving girls and doormen of the few establishments still willing to suffer him for his dwindling reputation.
Baron Harold Paget-Morrison
Explorer (see Up the River, coming this July)
Vitality 5 (effectively 6)
Coordination 3
Wit 3
Intellect 2
Charm 2
Will 3
Prowess 6
Actions 2
Cabinet of Curiosities
Man of the World (Explorer Natural Science stunts) -
Dietary Advances
Field Medic
Previous Expedition
Artillery 1 (Machine Guns)
Anthropology 2 (Folklore, Tunisian Ghoul Tribes)
Concentration 1 (Dull Pain)
Ettiquette 1 (Diplomatic)
Gambling 2 (Cards, Bluffing)
History 2 (Military, Egyptian)
Language 2 (German)
Language 2 (Latin)
Medicine 2 (Emergency, Complications)
Melee 3 (Free Parry, Head Hunter, Preferred Weapon - Cane)
Natural Science 4
Rifle 4 (Fast Aim, Long Shot, Pistol Whip, Preferred Weapon - Bolt-Action Rifle,
Survival 2 (Desert, Scavenging)
Unarmed Combat 1 (Hardened Strike)
Wealth: 5
Desire Corruption 2 - Addiction (Alcohol)
Upper Class
Night Terrors
A single good suit in relatively current fashion.
Gold plated respirator.
Silver headed cane.
Kramer 2086 Bolt-Action Rifle