Thursday, November 27, 2008

Peak Whiteness

Dragging a field in Florida with a John Deere while listening to Wu-Tang Clan on an Ipod.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Today while I was helping my dad with his fields, I realized that it would be more efficient if the hoe and the rake could be combined into a single tool. To achieve this goal I detached the rake-head from its shaft and then fitted it onto the butt end of the hoe's shaft, thereby creating an awesome "rake-hoe" or "hoe-rake" if you prefer. This is just the first of many farmhacks that I have in store and I will be posting detailed instructions on how to perform the Rake-Hoe hack yourself. Please subscribe to my blog as I rename it and get in early on what will be the cornerstone of the farmhacks community in the blogosphere.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Godspeed You! Black President

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Shut up and buy

Go buy No Quarter 21 to see my Gen Con interviews and article lead-ins; also the brief descriptions of a few of the new Metamorphosis models. Then write lengthy letters to the editor complimenting my amazing literary skills. Thanks in advance.

My second request is probably also going to go unfulfilled but would be appreciated nonetheless. I need some quotes from the Victorian or early Edwardian period relating to exploration, sea voyages, South Seas cannibalism and tropical disease. Quotes can be from real people, poems, or anything written during that period. Anyone who gives me a quote that I end up using will have the dubious honor of being immortalized as an NPC in something I write in the future.

Also, if anyone has books or films regarding the Weimar period in Germany I am very interested for research purposes right now.