Furthermore, onlinebeerbellygirl registered the same day Amy Chozick posted the question, has a private e-mail address, doesn't use that handle anywhere else on the internet, and has not posted anything since answering Chozick's question.
Thank god the fourth estate is there to report the hard hitting facts.
Hands up, who here was informed that there's an enormous war in the Caucasus right now? :)
See you kids at Gencon.
LIBRARIANS #107 "Rule of Three" Answer Post
10 years ago
1 comment:
I see that and raise you
Companies that sell digital drugs claim they're safe. Supposedly, they won't affect your physical health.
Let's think about this for a moment. The sites claim binaural beats cause the same effects as illegal drugs. These drugs impair coordination and can cause hallucinations. They've caused countless fatal accidents, like traffic collisions.
If binaural beats work as promised, they are not safe. They could also create a placebo effect. The expectation elicits the response. Again, this is unsafe.
At the very least, digital drugs promote drug use. Some sites say binaural beats can be used with illegal drugs.
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