I already feel like skipping a day of writing here which is unsurprising but not a good sign. So here is a post. I did get another written commendation at work though so I guess things are continuing to go well there. Still waiting to get my test-writing piece though.
I will leave you all with a picture I took in a parking lot near work recently. I feel this sums up Seattle pretty well. Werewolves and such.
Congratulations on being able to operate the internet device. I'm impressed, and more than a little disappointed, that your barn does not have a stable for the farm animals. I would ask if the license plate was on the car of the guy who sleeps in his, but I figure if you have hit that low point, you probably don't get vanity plates.
Keep showing up the mouth breathers at work and try not to kill any more hookers.
Fucking glasswalkers
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