On the whole our struggle has been successful. The disgusting icons of the bourgeois Christmas state have been smashed and subverted to conform to our revolutionary ideals.

That is not to say that there has not been resistance. Indeed, as the futility of their untenable strategic position becomes obvious, our enemies among the dictatorship of the bourgeois have begun to fight with increasing savagery.

However, we have had some surprising additions to our valiant and correct war; class traitors have joined us from even the highest levels of the oppressor's systems of control.

We are close to victory, comrades! But it is now, at the very moment of our triumph that we must not shrink from the use of any weapon no matter our reservations.

Nor can we afford to neglect any tactic that will assure our success, no matter how questionable we find it.

Soon, our Post-Christmas world will become a reality!

Forward, comrades, into tomorrow, into the future!